演講題目:Application of CAE in Medical Device Design
and Production of Ocular Inserts in the
Management of Glaucoma
基本資料 單位:
美國麻州大學 職稱: 教授
學歷 Kansas State University:PH.D University of Notre Dame:Master 國立台灣大學學士
專長 Plastics processing process control and
instrumentation CAE in plastics processing powder technology industrial hazard assessment SQC/SPC Statistical methods
Dohnkyu Lee
演講題目:Integrated mold-filling and Structural Analysis
for 3C products
基本資料 單位:ETS-Soft 職稱:Team Manager
學歷 韓國漢陽大學碩士 韓國漢陽大學學士
經歷 1993 ~ 2001 : DaeWoo Motor Co., LTD ( Current
“GM-DaeWoo” )
-Automobile Body Design ( CATIA )
-Automobile Crash Analysis ( Pam-Crash, LS-Dyna3D)
-Automobile Body Stiffness Analysis 2001 ~ Current(ETS-Soft Co., LTD)
-Automobile Crash Analysis Consultant
-Mold Design and Analysis Consultant
-CAE application, training and service
專長 Automobile design and analysis Plastics mold design and analysis Structural Analysis