
【2013國際CAE模具成型技術研討會】暨第四屆【CAE模具高校產學聯盟年會】將於2013年4月11日盛大舉辦! 匯集中美日台及兩岸三地模具產業菁英,帶來年度最新最專業技術講座,深入探討塑膠模具產業未來的走向,更能讓與會者掌握市場新脈動的契機,歡迎產業各界先進共襄盛舉,絕不能錯過一年一度的產業高峰會。
此次的研討會邀集各大公司執行長、總經理與董事長等重量級高階決策人士前來參加,這些參與的專業人士分佈於相 關產業,觸角遍及全球市場。沒有其他研討會能夠同時聚集模具產業相關的重要組織與重量級人士,這場盛會能讓您接觸到重要的決策者與成員,進一步拓展人脈與更多商機。
Each year, under one roof and one room, CAE Molding Solution Alliance Conference (CMSA) brings leading experts together to discuss the latest challenges and opportunities of CAE applications in advanced manufacturing industry. CMSA focuses on both practical and applied aspects of CAE technology, covering a broad range of industry-specific topics, such as Direct Metal Laser Sintering Process, Conformal Cooling, Green Molding, and Advanced Hot Runner, etc. Until now, the annual conference has received highly positive response from more than thousands of industry peers and over 250 corporations, shaping a premier networking and knowledge-sharing forum for industry professionals from all levels.
參考資料 Reference material

- CMSA2013-蘇州年會(與會單位200家,參加人數500人):(預估與會人數)
- CMSA2012-台北年會(與會單位188家,參加人數410人):點此觀看
- CMSA2011-廣州年會(與會單位150家,參加人數300人):點此觀看
- CMSA2010-廈門年會(與會單位180家,參加人數385人):點此觀看
- CMSA2013-(200 companies, 500 attendees)expected
- CMSA2012-(188 companies, 410 attendees):Click
- CMSA2011-(150 companies, 300 attendees):Click
- CMSA2010-(180 companies, 385 attendees):Click

活動資訊 Information
- 主辦單位:CAE模具高校產學聯盟(CMSA)、台灣區電腦輔助成型技術交流協會(ACMT)
- 承辦單位:科盛科技(Moldex3D)、開思網(iCAx)
- 日期:2013/4/11(四)~4/12(五)
- 地點:蘇州會議中心大酒店(蘇州市道前街100號) http://www.szicc.com/
- 會議內容:預估參加人數為500人,80篇技術論文,180家企業單位(350人),80所高校(150人),50篇口頭報告論文,30篇刊登論文
- 議程內容:主會場一間(可容納500人), 分會場四間(每間可容納100人)
- 住宿酒店:蘇州會議中心大酒店(蘇州市道前街100號)
- 大會行程:2013/4/10(三), 報到。2013/4/11(四)-4/12(五), 二天會議。
- Organizer:CAE Molding Solution Alliance (CMSA)
- Support:Association of CAE Molding Technology (ACMT)、Association of Green Molding Solution (AGMS)、Society of Advanced Molding Technology (SAMT)
- Cooperation:Moldex3D, iCAx
- Location:Suzhou, China
- Date:April 11, 2013 – April 12, 2013
場次與議程 Conference Information






More than 500 attendances and 80 conference papers expected.
-About 350 attendances are from 180 businesses and 150 attendances are from 80 educational organizations.
-About 50 oral papers will be presented and 30 printed papers included in the conference literature.
There is one conference hall in the first day of program that contain 12 plenary sessions and there are four different conference rooms that include 56 special sessions in the second day program.

議題 | 內容 |
【模具工廠智能化與自動化】 | 高速高精度五軸,模具工廠自動化與管理,… |
【最新特殊成型技術】 | 金屬粉末鐳射成型技術,異型水路設計與製造,… |
【精密模具成型技術】 | IMD,OMD,MuCell,變模溫,雙色射出,熱流道,… |
【CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM技術應用】 | RP,CAV,模流分析,結構分析,… |
【產業技術發展與應用】 | 3C,汽車,家電,連結器,光電,醫療,… |
【材料流變與加工特性研究】 | 含纖塑膠,光學塑膠,高性能塑膠,… |
會議住宿酒店 Conference Venue
※Suzhou International Conference Center

Suzhou International Conference Center :
The Conference Center Hotel is a three star hotel located in the old town district. The hotel is about 5km from the railway station. It occupies about 68000sq.m of land with its 162000 sq.m of building area. Situated at the center of Suzhou, it becomes the city’s symbolic architectural complex. There are a total of 386 guestrooms and suites. All are at their minimum equipped with air-conditioning, satellite televisions, refrigerators, mini bar and IDD telephones.

苏州市人民大会堂是苏州地区最大的会议场所,观众厅可容纳1080人,是举办大型会议及演出的地方。 临街的中心广场气势恢宏,是举办广场演出、产品展示、咨询活动、广告宣传、庆典活动、大型文体活动等的理想场所,并可提供多个大型车辆泊位。 自开业以来,成功接待过多个重大会议及展览。如“第八届APEC财长会议”、 “中国经济增长论坛”、“第28届世界遗产大会”、“第28次科联大会”、“第二届世界健康城市联盟大会”、“国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)第47届世界大会”等重要的国际国内会议。中心全体员工将满怀热情,以一流的服务、一流的设施、一流的管理,展示苏州城市形象。
Suzhou, China :
People say that just as there is paradise in heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth. Famous for its gardens and its silk, the ancient and moated city of Suzhou, just sixty minutes from Shanghai by train, lies at the point where the rail line meets the Grand Canal. The town itself is built on a network of interlocking canals whose waters feed the series of renowned classical gardens that are Suzhou’s pride and glory. Today, Suzhou has become a core city of China’s Yangtze River Delta economic zone, given its high GDP contribution to China. More recently, it has been a center of the silk trade and a place of gardens and canals.
交通位置 Access Map

協助單位 Organization