ACMT 印尼智慧成型技術聯盟
ACMT Indonesia Smart Manufacturing Alliance (ISMA)
Purpose and Scope
本聯盟基於ACMT模具與成型產業【智慧工廠輔導計畫】(ACMT Smart Molding Program,ASMP),聚焦產業市場拓展方針,協助ACMT會員【商機開發】、【市場拓銷】以及【通路佈建】,共創【智慧化產業生態圏】整合綜效價值。
This alliance is initiated under the ACMT Smart Molding Program (ASMP) that aims to serve as a guideline for elevating the industry as a whole. This guideline will focus on the industry market expansion, supporting the development of ACMT’s membership program, and setting path for creating a healthier ecosystem that supports and provide mutual benefits for the industries marching towards the concept of ‘Smart’ or ‘Industry 4.0’.
- 第一期:籌組【ISMA】並建立聯盟網頁、技術刊物報導(2021年)
- 第二期:延續第一期合作,並由成員輪流主辦技術研討會及擴大商務合作(2022-2023年)
- Term 1: Assemble and finalize members of Indonesia Smart Manufacturing Alliance (ISMA). This will include setting up a website for the alliance in order and scheduling for an official news announcement. (2021)
- Term 2: Continuation of the collaboration from Term 1. This will include initiating a series of ACMT Conference and business opportunities regularly for participating members of the alliance to showcase their technology. (2022-2023)