❮ 2018 CMC巡迴研討會 ❯ 新世代模具與成型產業物聯網智能工廠(馬來西亞)
- Event name:『New Generation of Smart Factory with Internet of Molding Solutions 新世代模具與成型產業物聯網智能工廠』CAE Molding Conference2018(Malaysia)
- Organizer:ACMT
- Co-organizer:Minnotec
- Date:2018/10/16(Tuesday) 13:30~16:30 (3hr)
- Location:Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur
- Event size:30 places
- Attendance Fee:Free
Event Agenda

New Generation of Smart Factory Planning and Management 新世代模具與成型產業物聯網智能工廠的規劃與管理 |
Internet of Molding Factory 模具與成型工廠物聯網與大數據 |
Applied Analysis of Advanced Molding 先進模具成型的應用解析 |
ACMT “3+1” Molding and Molding Engineer ACMT三合一加一模具與成型工程師 |
CAE Mold Flow Analysis Practical Experience CAE 模流分析實戰經驗分享 |
End of the meeting |

Advanced Parameterized Molding Design and Technique of Alteration Management Integration Technique 【先進參數化模具設計與變更管理整合技術】 |
Applied Analysis of Advanced Molding 【先進模具成型的應用解析】 |
ACMT “3+1” Molding and Molding Engineer Training Program 【三合一加一工程師培訓方案】 |
Technic Issues of Global Advanced Molding 【全球先進模具技術議題】 |
New Generation of Smart Factory Planning and Management 【新世代智能工廠規劃與管理】 |
Development and Applied Trend of Internet of Molding 【模具物聯網開發與應用趨勢】 |
Elite Exchange Technique 【產業先進菁英技術交流】 |
Jean Chen 陳柏蓁
TEL:02-8969-0409 #217