- 指導單位:經濟部工業局 (IDB / MOEA)
- 主辦單位:工業技術研究院產科國際所(ISTI / ITRI)、印尼萬隆理工學院商學院(ITB / SBM)
- 時 間:2020年10月30日(五)14:30-17:40 (臺灣時間)
- 觀看網址:https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC9x3Z_QzQdn7YcqCzVdcW2Q
- 備註:本活動全程以英文演講
2020年全球受COVID-19疫情衝擊,臺灣成功的防疫經驗,受到了全世界肯定!「Taiwan can help」顯示臺灣透過韌性供應鏈快速地整合來對抗疫情,相關防疫創新技術也迅速到位,這些都是印尼此次想要向臺灣交流取經之處!!
本活動由工研院產科國際所與印尼頂尖學府萬隆理工商學院(SBM ITB)共同舉辦,兩國同步線上直播。此論壇邀請臺印尼兩國重量級智庫、創新防疫廠商、科研單位,分三階段互相交流後疫時代創新技術。智庫交流邀請到工研院產科國際所、萬隆理工來分享醫療新常態;廠商交流則邀請精英電腦、慧誠智醫、創淨科技等專家,印尼業者則邀請到Nusantics、The Bonza來分享創新防疫科技;科研單位則由工研院、印尼國家科學院(LIPI)來講述臺印尼研究單位創新防疫科技成果。
時間 | 分項議程 | 講師 |
14:30 | Official Welcome Remarks | Moderator: Julia Lonan |
14:30 | Welcome remarks Indonesia | Prof. Utomo Sarjono Putro /Dean of School of Business Management Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) |
14:35 | Welcome remarks Taiwan | 張超群 /Deputy General Director of Science and Technology International Strategy Center(ISTI), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) |
14:40 | SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Experiences of the “Mask and Machine Tool National Team” and the integration of the epidemic prevention industry supply chain | Chung-Chiang Chen /Chief of Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA |
14:50 | Think Tank Presentations | Moderator: Mary Silaban |
14:55 | Indonesians Keeping Up with Technology | Dr.rer.pol. Eko Agus Prasetio, ST., MBA /Head of Management of Technology (MoT) Lab, School of Business Management Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) |
15:10 | Medical Innovations and New Service Opportunities in the New Normal | 張超群 /Deputy General Director of ISTI, ITRI |
15:25 | Taiwanese Company Presentations | Moderator: Dr. Jack Chang (ITRI) |
15:40 | Fighting the epidemic through smart AIOT | Timothy Huang /Deputy Manager, Elitegroup Computer Systems Co.,LTD. |
Imedtac Smart Healthcare | Beren Hsieh /BDM, imedtac CO., LTD. | |
New life & New Appliance | Dr. Chien-Hung Chen /CEO, ELECLEAN CO., LTD. | |
Indonesian Company Presentations | Moderator: Nila A. Windasari, PhD (SBM-ITB) | |
Nusantics completed a COVID-19 qPCR test kit design | Sharlini Eriza Putri /co- Founder & CEO, Nusantics | |
The Bonza provided dashboard on number of cases on daily basis | Philip Thomas /co-Founder, The Bonza | |
Technology institute Presentation | Moderator: Dr. Jack Chang (ITRI) | |
ITRI & Innovative Tech to Fight Pandemic | Chin-Liang Shee /Technical Sales Manager of ISTI, ITRI | |
Innovation during the pandemic by Indonesian institute of Sciences | Dr. Budi Prawara /Head of Research Center of Electronics and Telecommunications (RCET), the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) | |
Q&A | Moderator: Julia Lonan | |
Closing Remark | 張超群 /Deputy General Director of ISTI, ITRI |
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