【花絮】2023 台灣印尼產業鏈結高峰論壇-工業4.0分論壇(Industry 4.0 Sub- Forum)
本次2023 台灣印尼產業鏈結高峰論壇-工業4.0分論壇已於10月30日圓滿結束!感謝印尼與台灣產業先進共襄盛舉。

Head of the Industrial Human Resources Education and Training Center Mr. Lai, CEO of MIDRC(金屬中心 賴永祥執行長) Mr. Andri Taufick Rizaluddin, Environmental OPTI Team Leader, Center for Standardization and Services for the Cellulose Industry, MOI Mr. Andreas Hartanto, Manager of Delta Mr. Hermawan Wijaya, Direktur Marketing PT International Chemical Industry Mr. Hariyanto Gunawan, R&D Center for Smart Manufacturing, CYCU