杜塞道夫-舊城區 (Altstadt)

Düsseldorf's centre is also home to some of the city's most beautiful churches. For instance, the Sankt Lambertus Basilika, which was first built in the 13th century, and which with its twisting spire helps make Düsseldorf's skyline unique. In conjunction with the Schlossturm (Castle Tower) and the River Düssel, the basilica remains part of the Old Town's original core. This church's parish altar also houses a shrine containing relics of Saint Apollinaris, the city's patron saint. The Bergerkirche, which dates from the 17th century, the Johanneskirche and the former Kreuzherren Kirche (Church of the Knights of the Cross) are also always worth a visit!

杜塞道夫-萊茵河岸散步道 (Rhine embankment promenade)

-這個杜塞爾多夫最受大眾歡迎的聚會之地,一直通向媒體港(MediaHarbour),那裏有眾多國際知名的建築師(如Frank O’Gehry)設計的高樓大廈。
It is regarded as one of the most beautiful of esplanades – Düsseldorf's Rhine embankment promenade. Planned by Niklaus Fritschi and buildt between 1990 and 1997, it once again has joined the city to its river. It symbolises Düsseldorfers' Rhenish joie-de-vivre and particularly in summer is an expression of the city's Mediterranean lifestyle. The traffic that roars through the tunnel beneath its bluish, wave-patterned pavement remains unnoticed above. Here, the boule balls roll, Düsseldorfers relax and cultivate the art of dolce far niente.

杜塞道夫-奔阿特城堡 (Schloß Benrath)

Schloss Benrath is a Rococo maison de plaisance near Düsseldorf, Germany, erected for the Elector Palatine Charles Theodore by his garden and building director and garden supervisor, Nicolas de Pigage. It was begun in 1755, and by the time it was completed in 1770, some elements of Neoclassicism were detectable in its interior finishing. Two symmetrical wings flank the central corps de logis. The Museum for European Garden Art was founded in the east wing of Benrath in 2002. The west wing houses a museum of natural history. Changing exhibitions and concerts of music are presented in the main building, which is only sparsely furnished.